by Sri Sandip Dasgupta
Dear fellow devotees,
Welcome to the Buddha Purnima edition of our electronic magazine.
In everyday life, we often come across people who say that they have been following a certain spiritual discipline in their life – yet they have not found or realized God. Some people say that they have been worshipping at the temple all their life – yet they haven’t made any progress in life. Some people say that they have been piously counting beads for many years or doing Japa – yet they haven’t received any benefit. Some of us have tried meditating on God for many years – again to no avail. Why is it so?
According to Sri Sri Babathakur, all the above methods seek to find God as an object – and hence we are not able to reach him. According to our Master, a Sadguru knows the Absolute truth and is able to guide us to that Absolute truth – and that Absolute truth is that Atman is the Supreme subject, who resides in each and every one of us. The nature of that Supreme Atman is infinite, blissful, homogeneous and all-pervading. So, to realize God – we have to change our approach from seeking Him as an object. Instead we have to assume that He is the supreme subject and every one of us is His manifestation. This is the ‘Science of Oneness’ as realized by our Master – Sri Sri Babathakur.
To attain that Oneness (that is our True nature), Sri Sri Babathakur has urged us to live in ‘Sama Sara’ instead of ‘Samsara’. ‘Samsara’ consists of manyness and differentiation – and it leads to unhappiness, rivalry and competition. On the other hand, if we live in ‘SamaSara’ – we are constantly reminding ourselves that we all are manifestations of the same one, all pervading Atman. All actions belong to that one Lord – hence all the results of actions also belong to the Lord. Sri Sri Babathakur has urged us to give up all the results of our action to the Lord – instead of constantly asking/praying for more. This is His august proclamation that will lead to Supreme Happiness.
In one of His discourses (given on May 18, 1994), that was published in “Sri Sanai” magazine on the occasion of Sri Panchami, 2016 – he says:
- Not wanting anything is the Supreme wanting
- Not knowing anything is the Supreme knowing
- Not becoming anything is the Supreme becoming
At first glance, these statements may appear to be a little odd – but once we analyze these with the light of ‘Science of Oneness’, we will find that when we realize our Absolute state – there is nothing to be wanted, nothing to be known and nothing to become. This is because when one attains the state of Absoluteness, there is no second entity – so you cannot want anything else, know anything else or become anything else.
Once again, Sri Sri Babathakur has shown us the path to realizing our own inherent Supreme Bliss – now it is up to us to meditate on His words and follow the path that has been shown by Him.
On this Holy occasion, can we all strive towards remembering His words, reflect on them and live in ‘Samasara’ ?
Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathakur! Joy Babathkur!
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