Thursday, June 13, 2024

Glory of the Self


The following is a transliteration of excerpts from pages 119-120 of Brahma-Atma Vidya Vol 2 by Shri Ramen Basu

1)      I can never be without the I. Consciousness can never experience Its absence.

2)      Consciousness can never be bereft of Consciousness, Self can never be without the Self, I can never be without the I.

3) There is no Consciousness other than the Consciousness, there is no Self other than the Self, there is no I other than the I. Differently speaking, it is said that Consciousness except the Consciousness, Self except the Self, I except the I; again, Consciousness beyond the Consciousness, Self beyond the Self, I beyond the I— all these verily are self-contradictory statements.

4)     I do not know such I— this is a a self-contradictory statement. I am saying to the I itself that I do not know I. I am verily saying— who am I, I do not know. I am verily I. No need of waiting to know the Self.  Self verily knows the Self; if that is not so, then how can I say I Acceptance of the Self leaves no room for further knowing the Self.

5)         Listen you all to what I say for one and all— is there any such person my dear who says I has no existence, there is no I?

6)          Who says I am not there, I am not there— who says this?

7)          How can I say I am not there, unless I am there?

8)        Whether I know or know not, I say or say not, I accept or accept not, I remain verily I, there is no second.

9)        Whether you know or know not— how does it matter? You do not remember your childhood now; does it mean that you are not there now?

10)      Everybody says I, I; there is no doer-enjoyer-experiencer without I.

11)      The nature of I, the essence of I, is known to I alone and none else. The real Identity of I is verily I and it is always revealed by I itself.

12)      I am within I, no other entity is there. I-Reality, the essence of all Reality, is ever revealing in the heart of all.

13)      The I that is there in this I, is there in one and all.

14)      I of I and I of you, the I of all is the I of I.

15)     All in I, I in all; I am all, all verily I am.  One who says, ‘I and mine’ and ‘Thou and thine’ is verily that I.

16)      I is the mother and father of I, I is the Guru and disciple of I, I is the Master and attendant of I, I is the becoming and Being of I, I is the creator and preserver of I, I is the alternative of I, I is the son and daughter of I, I is the friend and ally of I, I is the object of knowledge and the knower of I, I is the fulfilment of I.

17)      I exist eternally alone in the I-Existence. I has no duality. The identity of I is verily I.

18)     The experience of affirmation and negation exists in I-Consciousness.

19)      I in I, I of I, I from I, I for I, I by I, I with I, I to I, I on I and beyond and beyond I.

20)      (a) I from I is the child-I; (b) I by I is the disciple-I; (c) I with I is the I of Being and becoming i.e., the I of Spirit and matter; (d) I for I is the I of Love Divine; (e) I in I is the Knowledge-I; (f) I perfectly unified and identified with the I, is the I of the Wisdom Absolute.



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