Saturday, June 12, 2021

Welcome to the Buddha Purnima issue of e-Sanai


by Sri Sandip Dasgupta

Joy Babathakur!

Welcome to the Buddha Purnima edition of e-Sanai. For the last few weeks we have all been hearing of bad news as several of our brethren have had to deal with the terrible pandemic amongst an acute shortage of medical help. We have heard of good Samaritans coming forward to help the affected people, and we have also heard of countless cases where unscrupulous elements have tried to take advantage of the situation – without realizing that they themselves could be a victim of a calamity some day. According to our Master (Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur), both sets of people are expressions of the same Absolute – the good Samaritans are carving out a better life for themselves when they are reborn, and the unscrupulous elements are carving out a destitute life for themselves when they are reborn. So what can we all do in this helpless situation?

A helpless state in Bengali is called A-shohay. But our Master has given us two different meanings for this word (taken from Chapters 12 & 13 of Atma Sutra Vol. 2).

  • Be dependent on the Absolute One: A(bsolute)-shohoy. This is the state when there is no Ahamkar. Much like when a person who doesn’t know swimming and is about to drown in a swimming pool – one is only dependent on the Creator/Absolute Oneness.
  • Constantly be associated with the Absolute One. Since each one of us is an expression of that Absolute, the Master is asking us to keep ourselves associated with the Absolute One.

Why do I bring this up now? In this kind of desperate situation, it is very important for all of us to face the challenges with the strength that comes from having faith in the Absolute One – to forget about our individual “I” or Ahamkar and keep full faith in the Absolute One. The Master has categorically told us that the Absolute One is hugging us tightly, even during the toughest of times!

Joy Babathakur!            Joy Babathakur!            Joy Babathakur!               

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